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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


My name is Farina Thompson
I'm disturbed at the reason why Oklahoma DHS has denied me my grandchildren! Believe it or not! They are denying me my grandchildren because of a case dating back to 1983 out of California. Nearly 30 years ago. It was a food stamp case. I mean this is totally ridiculous! I'm talking about getting my precious grandsons out of the Foster Care System. All this state can say to me is that "We are not recommending you for either temporary or permanent placement. Although we do know that you do love your grandchildren". What kind of mess is that?
Mind you this all took place before I was sworn in the United States Army! I will go on to say that, the State of Oklahoma continues to say that I have a Felony. That's incorrect! Certainly not true!
I'm their maternal and biological grandmother. I love these children. How can they get away with this corruption? They are destroying children and families. This isn't right what so ever.
I have proof that I don't have any felonies! They will not check my military back ground or whatever else they need to check. I done all my background checks. Received them all from the FBI Divisions -- Record Check out of Clarksburg WV.
Another thing! Oklahoma DHS was going to return the children to their mother whom she had recently had been released from Oklahoma State Prison in November 2008. But! DHS didn't give her enough time to get herself together. So instead of that, the mother to the children, she asked if she could come back home to her mother, where she could get some help. The Oklahoma family court Denied her the request. At that time she became overwhelmed and over the next several court date leading up to 9-15-2009, She relinquished her parental rights to her children.
Not only that! The father to my youngest grandson who is now out of DHS and has been for the last 4 years or more, now. I'm thankful for that! However my Son-N-Law, he is a felon out of California himself. He spent over 13 years in prison! He is on Welfare, Food stamps, and on Section 8 housing! So what's going on here in the State of Oklahoma?
I am aware that Parents get their children back no matter what? But when there is no parents to fight for the child or children, What then? I would like to know that! Because this is what I am facing here.. My grandchildren has been in the foster care system since March 2 2006. Some 5 years - 9 months - 4 days. They still remain in the foster care system. This is crazy!
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Oklahoma has no grandparents rights? I hear different sides to that issue? This is a very huge problem! We grandparents! Need our rights to our grandchildren because, the states are taking these babies and doing whatever they feel and want to. Delaying the process to reunite the children with their families.
In the case of my grandsons, that's exactly what's going on. Nothing bu wasting the tax payers money continuing this case in court! As well as continuing to house my grandchildren in the foster care system, going from placement to placement and from group home to group home. Mind you none of my 5 grandsons are in the same placement. They all are separated.
I don't know how often, my grandsons see their siblings. It's important for the children to stay in contact with their siblings. They need to see each other. Anyway here in the state of Oklahoma to put it plainly! It is just backwards.
So I continue to be denied--I'm denied because of a 1983 food stamp case. That Oklahoma states that it is a felony. That is incorrect. I have it on paper stating it.
My grandchildren are suffering in the foster care system away from their maternal and biological grandmother and the rest of their family members. Which I moved from Nevada. All I have gotten was, Denied, Denied, Denied! It's so emotionally draining, because I want my grandsons, to get them out of the system. Yet! DHS refuses and continually denies me.
I've been treated unjustly and they, the Judge and the Oklahoma DHS, they all are aware of their wrong doing on this case of my grandchildren. Plenty of corruption and dirt, for sure!
My past nearly 30 years ago, before any of my grandchildren were even thought of and born, Shouldn't be held against me. For certain it's not a felony! Because of this! The state of Oklahoma are keeping my grandsons away from me and in the states foster care system.
My grandsons has been alienated and isolated from me. I haven't seen them since 2.16.2010. Haven't even heard their voices. Haven't hugged them. I want to see their smiles, their faces. My grandchildren, I love them I want to see them. This here chapter in our lives has truly affected us. We will never ever be the same again. Yet! We are not giving up hope! My grandsons! They are not forgotten. No! They are not.
CASE# JD-06-180
Judge- Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby
ADA - Jane Brown
Supv DHS- Tara Bone
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
County of Oklahoma
Foster care isn't no place for children. Not at all. As long as their are family who are willing to take the child in. I see no reason for the government to make money off families hard times. Families first, Reunify and mend the broken homes. Not give the child away to strangers for adoptions. That's not right!
Oklahoma DHS are wrong for what they have and are doing to me and my grandsons! The judge has allowed all of this to happen. It's an injustice! The system has failed my grandchildren and my family.
5 years - 9 months -4 days!!!! That's a mighty long time to be away from your family and love-ones. Since March 2 2006.
Please pray for me and my grandchildren, as we are going through a most difficult times in our lives. Please pray for us. Thank You and God Bless you and Yours.
Grieving Grandmother
Farina M Thompson

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