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Monday, February 14, 2011


Hi I am asking everyone to please pray for me and my grandchildren that has been taken by Oklahoma DHS nearly 5 years ago. We haven't seen each other since last year 2010. Please keep us in your prayers. We as Parents to our grown children and Grandparents to our precious grand babies. We all are victimized by the state agencies in one form or another.
Anytime a child is taken by the government, the family is affected by this terrible action.
I feel the pain as my grandsons do. It is horrible each and every night to repeat the pain over again and again.
Family reunification is the key! It makes no sense to me! as to why the Family courts and DHS has caused so much pain to my grandchildren and our family. When DHS, they express family reunification and reuniting the children to the family as soon as possible.
Believe it or not in the case of my grandchildren, though I have everything in order. I's dotted and T's crossed. Oklahoma DHS has denied me every step of the way. They will not even, give me a Home study, to inspect my home, So that my grand babies can come home. It makes it no better that the presiding Judge has dragged it out for nearly 5 years. In a few weeks it will mark the 5 year mark.
Oklahoma DHS has stolen 5 years from our family, that me and my grand babies will not ever be able to get back.
In my opinion, this is merely a racist, motivator, and I am the target of corrupt officials.
This promotes a problem. Because I will not stop my quest for justice! Me and my grandsons are at the mercy of ungodly individuals, who claim that they are doing the right thing.
These people are going home every night to their families, their children and grandchildren. It's a wonderful feeling having your love-ones meet, greet you at your door when you are entering their home. How bless they must feel!
How would they feel if they couldn't see their babies? What if they were being treated like they are treating me and my grandchildren?
I pray for all these bad and evil souls that carry a personal vendetta and grudge against me. They will have to get right with GOD! How can they treat human beings as they do? We all shed the same color blood. This isn't right.
Oklahoma family Associate District Judge Richard W Kirby, he has the power in his employment position to bring closure to my family.He is to set Justice. Yet it is not about the children as it should be. But it is out of the box and all decision are motivated by hatred and grudge.
5 years, me and my grand babies has suffered and endured the lengthy separation. He knows of the pain that he has inflicted upon my family. I pray for a better world. For our children and grandchildren will need it once we have moved on and went to heaven.
Thank you for taking the time to read my family story of continuous pain. Please keep me and my grand babies in prayer for we need it. The devil is ever so present. Please pray the devil out of this equation. Peace and God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. I like your site. My wife and I both went through custody disputes with our ex's at the same time. They were accusing me of outrageous false child abuse allegations that lasted almost 3yrs. I was investigated by OKDHS 5 times. Thankfully in the end legally everything came out good. But emotionally, psychologically, relations hiply, financially, so much costs had been paid except for my accusers. It ended two years ago but the problems still continue.
    Last month I petitioned Governor Fallin with a proclamation for Parental Alienation Awareness Day, April 25th. She signed it on March 31st.
